
NSF Research Collaborator - University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL - Summer 2022.

  • NSF Project title: “Stabilizing Additively Manufactured Superalloys at High Temperatures through Engineering Defect and Precipitate Interactions” (Award Number: 2029059; PI/co-PI(s): Keivan Davami, Lloyd Hackel)

  • Led the development of the research paper: “Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces Stabilized at High Temperatures”

  • Led lab work and students involved in the research paper: Russell A Rowe; Katie Lightfoot; Andy Prather

Visiting Assistant Professor - Lafayette College, Easton, PA - January 2021 – December 2022

  • Excel Research Title: “Urban Mining Concept Applied to Existing Buildings” (Summer 2021 – Fall 2022)

  • Collaborated with Turner Construction – visiting buildings, interviewing project managers, projects data

  • Mentored Leigh Jacobsen 22’: Dan O’Neil Grant Award – $800.00 for thermal camera / other equipment

  • Mentored Louisa Rose 23’, Nicholas Sabella 23’, and Angela Busheska 25’

  • Thermal analysis of existing buildings on campus – pathologies and energy efficiency

  • Collaboration with Electric & Computer Eng. Department (Machine Learning Model) Spring – Fall 2022

Graduate Research Assistant - Lamar University, Beaumont, TX - June 2017 – August 2020

  • Research Title: “Increasing the resistance of pervious concrete to magnesium chloride attacks through carbonation.”

  • Produced pervious concrete specimens in the lab

  • Performed and oversaw several lab tests, mainly in the concrete field

  • Performed data collection and represented research outputs in graphs, tables and statistical analysis

  • Developed and published several papers, reports, and technical notes

Graduate Research Assistant - Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil - March 2015 – February 2017

  • Participated as a member of Research group of Technology and Management of Building Construction – POLITECH, at Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil.

  • Research Title: “Analysis of technical feasibility of using construction and demolition waste for the subgrade and the base layer of a pervious concrete pavement.”

  • Produced of pervious concrete specimens in the lab

  • Performed several lab tests, mainly soil and concrete related, and collected data

  • Raised funds and built the first pervious concrete slab in the State of Pernambuco (2 parking spots on campus). Funds/services: ABESC (Brazilian association of concrete services) and POLIMIX.

Student of Master of Business and Administration in Civil Construction - Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil - 2015 – 2016

  • Research Title: “Project for the production of pervious concrete pavement in the POLI-UPE parking lot”

  • Performed data collection

  • Interviewed professionals in that work and/or do research on pervious concrete

  • Represented research outputs in graphs, and tables

Student of Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Urban Planning - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil - Summer 2009

  • Research Title: “Um Caminho Alternativo: Sobre a Requalificação com Mudança de Uso.”

  • Participated (with drawings) in the book: “Obituário arquitetônico: Pernambuco modernista” (2007)

  • Collected data and performed literature review for future paper publications

2022 | 2023

2021 | 2022

2017 | 2020

2015 | 2017

2015 | 2016

Summer 2009



  • Almeida N. and Haselbach L. Time Impacts of Treating Pervious Concrete with NaHCO3. Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 2021.

  • Almeida N. and Haselbach L. A Proposed Method to Reduce Magnesium Chloride Deicer Damage to Pervious Concrete. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 2020.

  • Haselbach L., Almeida N. and Ross M. Performance of Pervious Concrete Exposed to Magnesium Chloride Deicers. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32(6), 2020.

  • Haselbach L., Almeida N. and Ross M. Pervious Concrete Chemical Degradation by Calcium Chloride Deicer. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 2020 (under revision).

  • Ross M., Haselbach L., Sendele T. and Almeida N. Magnesium Chloride Deicer Chemical Effects on Pervious Concrete. Environmental Engineering Science, 35, 11. November 2018.

  • Haselbach L., Temizel-Sekeryan S., Ross M. and Almeida, N. Evaluation of Deicer Impacts on Pervious Concrete Specimens (Phase II). Final Report Submitted to the Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC) May 2018.

  • Gatis R., Almeida N., Povoas Y. and Basto, P. Pervious Concrete Pavement System at Polytechnic School of University of Pernambuco, Brazil: Product Design Conception. EJGE, 21, 14, 2016.

  • Rodrigues P., Gatis R., Almeida N., Monteiro E., Basto P. Post Occupancy Evaluation of Popular Housing Estate of Cordeiro in Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil). EJGE, 20, 23, 2015.


  • Busheska A., Sabella N., Almeida N., Rocha E. Machine Learning and Thermography Applied to the Detection and Classification of Cracks in Buildings. 2023 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech). Portland OR, USA. April 2023.

  • Busheska A., Jacobsen L., Rose L. and Almeida N. Thermal Imaging Applied to Building Pathology Documentation: An Initial Modeling Approach. Lehigh University's David and Lorraine Freed Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 2022.

  • Almeida N., Jacobsen L. Urban Mining in LEED Educational Buildings: A Key to Reduce Initial Costs and Promote Sustainable Development. 20th Annual New York State Green Building Conference, April 2022.

  • Almeida N. and Haselbach L. (invited to present virtually in October of 2021). Time Impacts of Treating Pervious Concrete with NaHCO3. American Concrete Institute – ACI 522 virtual meeting, 2021 ACI Conference, 2021.

  • Almeida N. and Haselbach L. (presented virtually in July of 2020). Early Treatment of pervious concrete with carbonate laden waters. International Low Impact Development (LID), Maryland, July 19-22, 2020.

  • Haselbach L., Almeida N., Selvaratnam T., Han D. (poster presented virtually in July of 2020). Underground Aggregate Stormwater Infiltration Bed Case Study. International Low Impact Development (LID), Maryland, July 19-22, 2020.

  • Almeida N. and Haselbach L. Accelerating Carbonation in Pervious Concrete for Improved Deicer Resistance. ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development. Seattle, WA, May 26–29, 2020.

  • Haselbach L., Almeida N., Selvaratnam T., Han D. Modeling Underground Aggregate Stormwater Infiltration Beds. PowerPoint Presentation (speaker: Haselbach L.). Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, January 2020.

  • Almeida N., Han D. (Mentor: Haselbach, L.). Poster presentation. Model Proposal for Underground Aggregate Stormwater Infiltration Beds. Lamar University 7th Annual Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Conference, November 2019.

  • Chevasco M., Jantz J., Almeida N. (Mentor: Haselbach, L.). Pervious Concrete Pre-Treatment to Prevent Deicer Attacks: Exploratory Phase. Poster presentation. Lamar University Undergraduate Research Expo, April 2019.

  • Almeida N. (Mentor: Haselbach, L.; Speaker: Almeida, N.). PowerPoint presentation. Pervious concrete pavement as a stormwater mitigation strategy. Sierra Club. Beaumont, TX, November 2018.

  • Almeida N., Ross M. Deicer Impacts on Pervious Concrete Specimens: Phase IIa: Split Tensile Testing. Poster Presentation. Lamar University 5th Annual Texas STEM Conference. Beaumont TX, October 2017.

  • Almeida N., Ross M. Deicer Chemical Effects on Pervious Concrete: Phase II (updated version). Poster presentation. ASCE Texas Section Annual Civil Engineering (CECON) Conference. San Marcos TX, September 2017.

  • Almeida N., d Deicer Chemical Effects on Pervious Concrete: Phase II. Poster Presentation. CESTiCC Workshop. Pullman WA. August 2017.