“Simplify, simplify, simplify”.

Henry David Thoreau

No matter your background or your career goals, it is very likely that you will eventually need to work on a project, or participate in a meeting, or give a presentation to the public. And if all of these things are new to you, you can always resort to some Project Management (PM) tools! However, you will not necessarily need to take a whole PM course, so you learn how to use these tools. This is why I decided to develop something simple and handy to all, which consists of a brochure series called Project Management Academic Toolbox! For now, it is divided into 4 volumes that help students (1) initiate and plan academic projects, (2.a) manage meetings, (2.b) use meeting management tools, and (3) present academic projects, . The goal is to help students deliver academic projects more effectively, and help them become effective professionals.